Preparing for a Sclerotherapy appointment

Stop taking aspirin or ibuprofen
Medication such as Ibuprofen especially right after sclerotherapy can protect your veins from the treatment. These medications should be stopped a week or more before your treatment and not started back for 3 or more days after the sclerotherapy.
Be sure your skin is clean
Sclerotherapy involves injections with very tiny needles. For cosmetic sclerotherapy these are the same size we use for our Botox® injections and are about the size of a very tiny wire. A break in your skin will need to heal. Showering the morning of your appointment with antibacterial soap is a good idea.
Do not apply cream or lotion
Several days before your visit it is a good idea not to cream or lotion your legs. Cream and lotion contains many substances. When the needle passes through your skin during sclerotherapy, the lotion can be injected under the skin. This generally is not harmful just more irritating and can cause tiny red bumps that persist for several weeks after the procedure.
Shaving your legs is not necessary
We will prepare your skin with alcohol based solution and fresh shaving scratches can be uncomfortable. No one at re*be will be offended by a day or two of leg hair growth.
Wear clean and washable clothes and underwear
Cosmetic sclerotherapy patients are screened for more serious varicose vein problems using a diagnostic ultrasound especially on your initial visit. We will use a water based ultrasound gel to do this exam and it can get on your clothes and underwear.
Bring your compression stockings
After sclerotherapy, if you compress the veins the treatment is more effective. Firm support stockings should be worn for two weeks after the procedure. Those of us at re*be prefer to use thigh high or panty hose prescription strength (Class II 30-40 mmHg). We will try to sell you a pair if you do not already have some. The non-prescription socks will work but the compression is not as complete.
Wear comfortable walking or running shoes
After your sclerotherapy session, we will ask you to walk on our treadmill for 20 min. You may choose to walk outside or in a shopping mall as well. Walking after the procedure is important to get your circulation moving, get your socks comfortable and to reduce the chances of a deep vein clot.
Bring your Insurance cards and insurance plan information
Cosmetic sclerotherapy is not likely to be covered by your insurance. The doctors at re*be will examine you and take a medical history. If other conditions that are covered by insurance are recognized, you may be offered treatment for them. It is common to find an abnormal skin mole and a biopsy can easily be done on this at the time of your cosmetic sclerotherapy visit.